Reasons Why Online Shoppers Abandon Their Carts and How to Fix it

Why online shoppers abandon carts

The feeling of frustration sounds familiar when your prospective customer or client leaves and is just one click away from a successful purchase. Abandonment, that is the word. On eCommerce, abandonment does not only cover cart abandonment. It depends on the business industry. For instance, on travel agencies they experience booking abandonment and on financial institutions they have forms abandonment, some also have “browsing abandonment”.

Ecommerce sales have been rising today. One factor to consider is online traffic has taken off as customers or clients grew wary of visiting physical stores. The urge is high but why does abandonment still exist?

Why Do These “Online Shoppers” Walk Away?

According to research, there are a number of factors that influence “online shoppers” to abandon their carts. Some of these are the following:

  • Site requires creating an account or input unnecessary information
  • Frequent website errors or crashed
  • Lack of product or service description
  • Return policy was not satisfactory
  • Delivery TurnAround Time
  • Poor Check-Out Page

Addressing these issues can guarantee you a reduced rate of abandonment. Stop by your website as a visitor, for you to experience if the information asked on creating an account is indispensable. Alot time to look around your website. Inspect each page if the resources such as images or videos are all available. Websites crashing/errors means that something went wrong. This type of concern needs to be fixed immediately or you will lose valuable traffic.

You may also wonder why product or service description could influence abandonment. If they are unclear about a product’s or services description and quality, they are less likely to spend their money. It is a key part of their decision-making process. Same with your return policy, a concise and clear one gives a feeling of security for your “online shoppers”. It is giving them a guarantee that they get what it is represented to be. Providing them with good product information, great images and extras like product video is a plus to ensure that customers know what they’re getting. You do not want them to become suspicious and avoid availing or buying. Some also check the turnaround time, the shipping or delivery period of their “purchase” product or service. You need to come up with options where you present delivery speed, convenience and price because some prefer to wait a few days if delivery is free, or much cheaper.

Lastly, the poor check-out page. Does your check-out page show the total order cost? Does it include a high processing charge? And most importantly, does it offer enough payment methods or does it always experience credit card declines? That’s why choosing a merchant services provider (MSP) is one of the most important decisions you’ll make for your business. From the minute your “online shopper” uses their credit card to make a purchase up to the seconds that the bank tells whether or not the payment has been approved, a reliable merchant service provider is your partner. Helping you to streamline and secure the payment transaction will eventually result also in having loyal customers.

A tip from the professional is to choose a merchant services provider that suits your business needs. It is important that you are making it as convenient as possible for your “online shoppers” to buy from you. According to Nock Pay clients, they chose Nock Pay Solutions because it makes payment processing convenient for them too. Nock Pay provides quick approval, transparent and competitive pricing, and top-notch customer service.

A tip from the professional is to choose a merchant services provider that suits your business needs. It is important that you are making it as convenient as possible for your “online shoppers” to buy from you. According to Nock Pay clients, they chose Nock Pay because it makes payment processing convenient for them too. Nock Pay provides quick approval, transparent and competitive pricing, and top-notch customer service.